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Children's Ministry

Our goal is to assist families as they train their children to grow in the knowledge of God's word and to provide a foundation for children to develop a personal relationship with our Savior. Our vision for childrens' ministries at Mapleview is that children will choose for themselves a faith foundation that will lead to a lifetime of full devotion to Christ. At Mapleview Kids we work hard every week to make sure that your children join us in a safe and friendly atmosphere where they can learn about God.


Sunday School

Sunday School is available for all ages every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. This is a special times for kids to study the word of God and fellowship with their peers. Join us as we learn to know and love Christ and to share that love with others to further the Kingdom of God!

Children's Church

K-5th graders begin morning service at 10:30 a.m. with their families. We encourage families to worship in song and prayer together. This age group is then dismissed to Children's church where they enjoy a bible study, games and snacks! Preschool aged children stay in their class throughout the entire service.

Nursery Care

Loving nursery care is provided during Sunday School and Worship Service.

Cry Room Facilities

Parents who wish to keep their infants and young children with them during the worship service are invited to use the Cry Room when necessary, located off the church lobby.

Mapleview Playgroup

On every other Tuesday, mothers with children 5 years and younger meet together to connect with other moms and enjoy a time of fellowship together while allowing a great space for play time for their children. To find the full schedule and updates, click here to follow Mapleview Playgroup on facebook!

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